Dane Cook bedauert, dass er sein „SNL“-Vorsprechen nach einer Panikattacke ausgelassen hat: „Ich habe es vermasselt“



    1. DemiFiendRSA on

      Dane Cook:

      >”On my way to my audition at SNL, I had a full-on panic attack. I sat on a bench outside of Rockefeller Plaza. And I didn’t go in. I actually called my manager. I said … ‘I can’t do it.’ And he’s like, ‘Why? They’re all waiting for you. They wanna see you. They’re looking for something to fill that void.’ And I blew it on the day.”

      >“I also knew from a few friends that had been on the show that it was that it was more confrontational, and I was very beta at that time. And I was like, I’m not gonna be able to fight for skits. I can barely, you know, get my food order out … for a waiter at lunch. I’m not gonna be able to survive at SNL.”

    2. AbbreviationsWise285 on

      He had to go to the local middle school to get a girlfriend

    3. no_more_jokes on

      He never would have become Dane cook if he was stuck at NBC and SNL. I know a lot of people think he’s a punchline now and he’s never been my cup of tea, but he’s the first comedian who realized that he could bypass the usual gatekeepers of tv and movies and build an audience completely online. He was the biggest comedian in the world for a short while because of that

    4. Emmerson_Brando on

      I never really found him to be funny…. He may have auditioned, but I can’t see him making it.

    5. brelincovers on

      This guy is worth tens of millions of dollars, I don’t think he regrets not being on SNL at all

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