Laut einer neuen Studie neigen Frauen mit einer Vorgeschichte nicht einvernehmlicher sexueller Erfahrungen eher dazu, Sex aus Pflichtgefühlen zu treiben. Diese Frauen berichteten über häufigeren „Pflichtsex“, eine geringere sexuelle Befriedigung und ein höheres Maß an sexuellen Schmerzen im Vergleich zu Frauen ohne solche Vorgeschichte.
Women with sexual trauma histories more likely to engage in “Duty Sex”
I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:
From the linked article:
Women with a history of nonconsensual sexual experiences are more likely to engage in sex out of feelings of obligation, according to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study found that these women reported more frequent “Duty Sex,” lower sexual satisfaction, and higher levels of sexual pain compared to women without such histories.
Previous research has identified various reasons why people have sex, including factors related to insecurity and obligation. “Duty Sex” encompasses motivations such as avoiding partner disappointment or fulfilling perceived relational expectations.
The researchers found that women with a history of nonconsensual sexual experiences reported higher frequencies of Duty Sex compared to those without such histories.
Women with a history of nonconsensual sexual experiences also exhibited lower overall sexual function, particularly in the domains of vaginal lubrication and orgasm. These women reported experiencing more sexual pain and lower sexual satisfaction than those without trauma histories. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups in the domains of sexual desire or arousal.
Even after controlling for differences in sexual function, however, nonconsensual sexual experiences remained a strong predictor of Duty Sex engagement. Women with trauma histories were 35% more likely to report frequent Duty Sex compared to those without.
Oh so it’s not just me then
Huh, so that’s why it hurts. Yet another thing they stole from me.
I didn’t read the article. Does this study discuss how females are conditioned to be scared to say no, specifically to males?