Deutschland baut im Jahr 2024 rekordverdächtige 17,5 GW Solar-PV ein


  1. Germany will grow its solar PV capacity by an annual record of around 17.5 gigawatts (GW) by the end of 2024, said energy industry association BDEW. This would bring total installed capacity in the country to around 100 GW.

    Solar PV expansion has picked up again in recent years, and Germany plans to make the technology one of its central energy sources as it aims to ramp up the share of renewable electricity to 80 percent of consumption by 2030. In 2023, renewables covered more than half of Germany’s electricity demand for the first time.

  2. LiveSir2395 on

    Germany has dramatically increased its wind energy too, and exciting projects for electricity storage are being installed as we speak. And the European grid is constantly improved too. The good news is that the horrendously expensive nuclear energy is a definitely a thing of the past.

  3. thefatsun-burntguy on

    yet at the same time had a record peak price of electricity due to peak hour demand shortage.

    Germany is importing electricity at an alarming rate and its neighbors are starting to refuse to continue expansions of grid interconnects to protect their own domestic energy supply.

    Solar is amazing, wind power is amazing, but the severe underinvestment and misallocation of consecutive german administrations have put the energy sector into a completely avoidable crisis. Germany needs clean FIRM power, but has spent the last 3 decades dismantling nuclear powerplants in exchange for coal fired ones. now not even the coal ones remain operational, so when peak demand hits and brownouts occur, people will blame solar.

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