Was ist der Haken an diesen „lebenslangen Rabatt“-Angeboten? Können Sie diesen Vertrag tatsächlich so lange behalten, wie Sie möchten?


Von Alexx_FF


  1. I am looking for a second phone contract just for work related stuff and see a lot of those “lifetime” discount deals, what am I missing?

  2. Global-Power-2569 on

    in my experience, the price is real. however, the “what’s included” and especially the “unlimited internet” likes to change over time, especially for internet outside of europe

  3. Competitive-Dot-3333 on

    Salt is shit, they increased my so called lifetime deal. And unlimited internet abroad.., but if you use too much they cap the speed.  I changed to another provider.

  4. moist_engineer on

    The catch is that it’s a lifetime contract on the discount and not the price so they can increase the base cost and your price will also increase.

  5. eXrevolution on

    It only means, that after the minimum contract duration, you will not be charged more. They can change the terms and then you can terminate if you disagree. There is no obligation that they need to keep these terms forever.

  6. Most of the times the contract has a minimum period Eg 2 years and in order to make any change you need to wait for the period to expire. For example if you want to cancel the contract or change operator you need to wait for the minimum period or pay the difference. Exception is if you leave the country

  7. No, had one that expired after two years and they tried to “upgrade” me to a more expensive one after the two years. They also increased the price bcs of “everything gets more expensive so we increase your monthly price too”. Just call them and say you quit if you dont get the same or better deal. Worked so far for me.

  8. Lifetime discount does not mean lifetime price cap.

    If the price changes, your discount stays the same.

    It’s a marketing gimmick.

    – Initial price at signup 50 and “lifetime discount” of 10, cost 40

    – Surprise! Price change! New price 70, same lifetime discount of 10, new cost 60

  9. LackschuhBrust on

    I’ve had my lifetime-discount-super-duper-abo since 2020 and they didnt change the price

  10. Heavier_Metal_Poet on

    In my experience the absolute discount is lifetime, not the final amount. So let’s say original it’s 40, discount 30, you pay 10. The discount stays, but with the overall price increasing to 50, the discount 30 only brings you down to 20.

  11. Here an article discussing this: https://www.konsumentenschutz.ch/online-ratgeber/was-gilt-bei-werbeversprechen-wie-lebenslanger-preis-oder-rabatt/

    From your handle (Geneva) I assume you don’t speak German, so here a summary:

    * Lifetime **Price**: The telecom provider is not allowed to change the price at any point in time, even if their small print says they can. It is simply not allowed. But they may still terminate the contract whenever the contract allows them to.

    * Lifetime **Discount**: The telecom provider is allowed to increase the price, as long as the discount rate to the non-discounted price stays the same. E.g. if you buy it at a discount of 10% and the non-discounted price increases, they may also increase yours, as long as yours is still 10% cheaper. Those price increases are often under scrutany and you have to check with them/ price watchers if it is correct or not.

  12. theswissnightowl on

    I took the offer from Yallo two years ago. Was more than half of what I paid with UPC before and the only thing that happened in the last two years was an increase of CHF 1.- for each (mobile & home internet). Which is still more than half of what I paid before so… 🤷‍♂️

  13. Haunting-Prior-NaN on

    > Do they actually let you keep this contract for as long as you want?

    The contract, yes. The fee will be adjusted according to inflation or whatever. This year they did one such adjustment and even though it was a marginal price increase (in my case from 19.9 to 20.4 or such), they did change the price.

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