Fast die Hälfte der Kanadier hat das Gefühl, dass zu viele Einwanderer hierher kommen: Studie – Ganze 42 % der Befragten waren der Meinung, dass die Einwanderung zu unangenehmen Veränderungen in Kanada führt


    1. FancyNewMe on

      In Brief:

      * New in-house research by the Department of Immigration says 47% of Canadians feel there are too many immigrants coming into Canada, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.
      * When told the Immigration Levels Plan at the time proposed to let 485,000 immigrants into Canada in 2024, 56% rated it “too many.”
      * The report found 59% agreed “immigration has placed too much pressure on public services in Canada” while 58% agreed “Canada should focus on helping unemployed Canadians rather than looking for skilled immigrants for our workforce.”
      * Another 42% of respondents agreed immigration is causing Canada to change in unlikeable ways.
      * The report also found 63% agreed “that immigrants need to do more to integrate into Canadian society,” while 32% said “refugees take jobs away from Canadians.”

    2. LowerSackvilleBatman on

      People have been thinking this for years, only to see people speak out and be called racist.

      I’m glad that trend is ending

    3. NoGrape104 on

      I think it’s important to remember that if you move to Canada, it’s to become Canadian. That means getting on board with our values and ethics. Identify as Canadian, not as (insert former country here).

      You came here because of a reputation that we have… If you don’t share those same values, Canada is going to change. Canada will become more like the place you were trying to get away from.

      I’m happy for everyone who has moved here, for whatever reason, but please remember: you are now Canadian. Act like it. Bathe in maple syrup, binge on poutine, and dabble in donair. But leave the racism and hate at the door. Your new neighbour is Canadian, just like you.

    4. Dank_sniggity on

      My Indian and Nigerian co-workers who immigrated 10 years ago are pretty vocal about how too many are coming and ruining it. “This is not the Canada I remember”.

    5. Is anyone surprised at these numbers? I don’t know anyone in real life who says we should be bringing in more.

    6. slumlordscanstarve on

      I would call chanting death to other races and waving nazi flags pretty unlikeable. 

    7. stayoffmygrass on

      Can y’all give me a couple of weeks before you close the borders?

    8. mightocondreas on

      Your daily dose of programming, too many immigrants, houses not affordable, trump. Tune in tomorrow for too many immigrants, houses not affordable, trump.

    9. Look at India. Covered in trash, no personal space, no orderly queues, no trust. Canadians need to wake up and stop apologizing for their culture. It’s not just different, it’s better and we need to protect it.

    10. trollspotter91 on

      This is probably low. Plus pills only have their respondents to pull data from, and what kind of loser sits around answering polls?

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