Fußballer sind während der Weltmeisterschaft 2026 einem „sehr hohen Risiko extremer Hitzebelastung“ ausgesetzt. Der größte Stress würde in allen Stadien bis auf eines zwischen 14 und 17 Uhr auftreten. In Arlington und Houston würden die Temperaturen am mittleren bis späten Nachmittag auf über 100 F steigen und eine „schwere Belastung für den Körper“ darstellen.



    1. Footballers face a “very high risk of experiencing extreme heat stress” at 10 of the 16 stadiums that will host the next World Cup, researchers have warned, as they urge sports authorities to rethink the timing of sports events.

      Hot weather and heavy exercise could force footballers to endure temperatures that feel higher than 49.5C (121.1F) in three North American countries in 2026, ­according to the study. It found they are most at risk of “unacceptable ­thermal stress” in the stadiums in Arlington and Houston, in the US, and in Monterrey, in Mexico.

      The co-author Marek Konefal, from Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences in Poland, said World Cups would increasingly be played in conditions of strong heat stress as the climate got hotter. “It is worth rethinking the calendar of sporting events now.”


    2. Att stadium in Arlington where they will play is a closed stadium with climate control.

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