Studie liefert Hinweise darauf, wann und warum Mücken stechen: „Yale-Forscher haben herausgefunden, wie der Geschmack das Stechverhalten von Mücken beeinflusst, was als Grundlage für Bemühungen dienen könnte, Stechversuche zu verhindern und die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten zu stoppen.“ »


  1. « As mosquitoes and mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue fever spread across the world, researchers say that a key strategy to prevent these illnesses may be dissuading the insects from biting their victims in the first place. But while scientists have uncovered the ways that odor and heat help mosquitoes find humans, little is known about the role of taste once they’ve landed. »

  2. > new insights into why some humans might be more enticing to mosquitoes than others.

    Shhhhhhh! Don’t tell my partner the secret – I never get bitten while they’re nearby.

    They literally land on me, walk around a bit (presumably tasting) and fly off.

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