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What an absurd joke of a country
Welcome to Dubai. Please report any symptoms of gayness, drug use or being a woman with questionable virtue to the nice men with badges.
They’ll probably just negotiate his release by freeing a terrorist or two
Never visit the middle east, despite the oil money veneer cultural norms and expectation’s are different and horror stories abound.
lmao this is peak Canadian boomer energy
Fuck Dubai, why even go there?
It’s on the traveler to understand the laws of the country they are visiting. It’s not any different than when some idiot from the US gets caught in Mexico with a gun, which has also happened.
Yes Dubai haa stupid laws, but the dude is profoundly more stupid to travel with anything cannabis related. Do three minutes of research before you decide to travel someplace culturally so different. Hope he gets let out though.
As heartbreaking and sad this is you cannot bring substances that are illegal in the target destination and then wonder why you’re being jailed. There’s all types of paperwork you can fill out in order to not get in trouble. If it is a life threatening/ altering position that is a MUST. Trudeau can’t really do much there and now they must rely on the benevolence of a foreign head of state.
This is like that idiot basketball player in the U.S. who got herself jailed in Russia. It’s like they don’t think other countries’ laws apply to them. It’s some combination of arrogance and bonehead stupidity, and my sympathy for this fool has its limits. Unfortunately, it sounds like a life sentence for him may not be too long, given his medical problems.
Life in prison for a placebo…
He will just get deported after a quick stint in prison. Harsh sentencing to deter future attempts.
Don’t know why anyone travels into the area to begin with. So many better places to enjoy.
I mean geez it’s hard to not feel bad for the guy but at the same time being ignorant to the fact that marijuanna and marijuanna byproducts are still illegal in many parts of the world is honestly their own fault 🤷♂️
Thank god! Those drugs could ruin his life…
More like a death sentence. Fucking stupid Dubai authorities.
Maybe if he offers to help build a skyscraper for slave wages, they’ll let him out…
Doesn’t stories like these negatively impact their tourism?
Thanks for stopping this drug cartel boss, already feeling safe and can’t visit this place.
This is on him to know the laws of the country you’re travelling to. Line how stupid do you have to be?
Clickbait title
THC products are illegal almost anywhere
He would have been detained anywhere else for this and risk prison time.
This isn’t even an isolated incident. It baffles UAE has retained it’s repuation as being some sort of dream holiday destination.
one more reason to never visit the sand pit
Fuck the bulk of these countries… what a fucking shitshow
This is what Trump is gonna do. We need to stand up to the Mexican cartels!!!! Let’s win the war on drugs!!!! Put the bible back in schools!!!
-Hubert Hill.
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