Orcas tragen wieder Hüte aus totem Lachs, nachdem sie diesen Trend 37 Jahre lang aufgegeben haben



  1. Scoobydoomed on

    I don’t see the big deal if an orca wants to wear a hat the belonged to a dead salmon.

  2. Wait, I saw this on TV a week or so again saying how prcas had once done this. Do….do the orcas have TV?

  3. Ticoune0825 on

    It’s probably a very entertaining game to swim and try to hold an object and keep it from not falling on top of their head

  4. Beatrix10467 on

    *Miranda Priestley voice*

    “Dead salmon? For winter? How ground-breaking.”

  5. What a useless article without a picture of them wearing salmon as hats.

  6. john_the_quain on

    Dad Orca who has been tragically unhip until now: I told you this was still cool.

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