Sport treiben, um Gewicht zu verlieren? Die Wissenschaft sagt, dass es selten funktioniert.


    1. There’s a big difference between someone performing physical tasks they’ve practiced every day of their lives, to someone taking up an exercise that’s new to them.

    2. FX_King_2021 on

      Diet, deep sleep, and exercise are key. I hit the gym nearly every day for 1 to 1.3 hours, exercising with minimal breaks of 30-60 seconds between reps and sets. I feel great—no exhaustion, not even tiredness, just a lot of sweat. Yet, I struggle to shed fat. The only time I see rapid fat loss and immediate results within a few days is when I cut carbs and ensure deep sleep. Without quality sleep, even reducing carbs doesn’t seem to aid in fat burning.

    3. FrenchWenchOnaBench on

      I lost 30kg just by changing my diet and fasting.

      I didn’t do a single bit of exercise other than my regular 8000-10000 steps a day.

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