Ich habe nur einen beschissenen Beitrag gepostet, um meine Probleme beim Mittagessen am Morgen mit Butter aus dem Kühlschrank zu teilen, und das geschah, nachdem ich ein Messer für eine kleine Weile über den Herd gelegt hatte. Der Kampf ist real, na ja, Butterüberraschungen zum Mittagessen in ein paar Bissen


Von ForkmyFace


  1. milkyway556 on

    Don’t store butter in the fridge.

    Or put what you need in a dish for 10s in the microwave

  2. Significant-Roll-138 on

    Jaysus that’s shocking, haven’t seen anything like that since around 1986.

  3. downwardbubbles on

    It’s worth it to have propper butter and not that spreadable shite.

  4. Do a squeeze test on the butter before buying . The good stuff will be squeezable while the rubbish with be rock hard . I only buy Bandon butter now . Even Kerrygold has too much water in it and has changed colour recently

  5. Tip that I was taught, if you grate the butter first it spreads much better.

  6. Kyadagum_Dulgadee on

    Fill a mug with boiling water and dip the blade of the knife in it for a few seconds to heat it up. Dip it back in the water every few spreads.

  7. dickbuttscompanion on

    Keep a slice of only 1/8th or 1/4 of the butter block in your butter dish, and run your knife under hot water before you go buttering soft bread.

    Better again, keep slice pan in the freezer take out slices as you want them and butter before it thaws.

  8. A vision of Hell: having to spread cold butter on a full, fresh pan of Brennan’s Bread. 🥶

  9. PerpetualBigAC on

    I’m glad I can’t have butter because I could not be arsed with that shite. People get very excitable of you say spreads grand but it is.

  10. Our kitchen has got to this level of cold now. I put the back of a spoon under the hot water tap or pop the butter I need in the microwave for about 5 to 8 seconds. It doesn’t melt but it softens.

  11. Any_Comparison_3716 on

    The childhood flashback of other kids thinking you had cheese sandwiches everyday.

  12. CombinationBorn7662 on

    Keep your butter in your person pouch. That way it’s always warm and easily accessible, especially when you are out and about. 

  13. PoxbottleD24 on

    Smear the butter back onto the block a few times until it’s workable, then spread. It’s malleable, and working it creates small amounts of heat, enough to soften it (like clay).

    Or drag a cheap small metal sieve across the top, works better than a grater. 

  14. insane_worrier on

    Use a vegetable peeler too shave thin slices off the butter, don’t spread it just layer it on the bread

  15. Naval_fluff on

    You put water in the base to a marked evel. You press the butter into the top “bell shape”. This fits to the base upside down. The water creates a seal with the top.

    You do need to change the water every 3 days. Might be a bit of work if u have a lot of people using it. For me it’s great.

  16. 1- Don’t store butter in the fridge,

    2- if you do, microwave a piece of the butter

    3- or rinse a knife with warm water (until the metal heats up a bit),

    4- or use the back of a teaspoon to spread butter.

  17. bucklemcswashy on

    Move the butter knife back and forth across the top of the block you want to kind of mix it to soften the butter. If you use butter tabs keep the wrapper on and play with your fingers a little to soften it before you open the tab and spread it.

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