Die Trump-Medien geraten ins Wanken, da der Rückgang um 37 % nach dem Ende des Debüts Milliarden verschlingt



  1. 72ChevyMalibu on

    Man you really hate to see this happen to a great guy and company. Lol

  2. Open_Mortgage_4645 on

    This is the most overt pump-in-dump scam in the history of pump-n-dump scams.

  3. sysadminbj on

    So, what? Trumpy sold shares of Truth to pay off all the favors he’s cashed in over the last 5 years and they all cashed out?

  4. copperblood on

    Friendly reminder, for an erection lasting longer than 4 hours please consult your doctor 😎

  5. Dinocologist on

    Can’t believe the ‘I do fraud’ guy would be associated with something like this smh 

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