Europa befinde sich im „tatsächlichen Krieg“ mit Russland, sagt der ehemalige britische Geheimdienstchef


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    It’s about time they realize, Russian aggression is not stopping at taking Ukraine. The border countries with Russia are all at risk. Putin has decided to go all in on his arrogant military aggression….

  2. BothZookeepergame612 on

    It’s about time they realize, Russian aggression is not stopping at taking Ukraine. The border countries with Russia are all at risk. Putin has decided to go all in on his arrogant military aggression….

  3. Europe is not in an “actual war” with Russia, if any European or European country wants to be in an “actual war” they can find one relatively close by to better understand the difference.

  4. StatisticianFair930 on

    Well, semantics aside, he is only really parroting Putin’s rhetoric here. When you rhetorically speak about rhetoric, you only get more rhetoric. 

    Like inception, but with Putin playing Cobb.

    They’re at war with Ukraine. 

    They’re shithousing the U.K. 

    They’re scared of the U.S, so they’re buttplugging the smaller U.K. 

    As shitbags do.

  5. OpinionatedPoster on

    Europe is easier to bring into an all out war than you think. It consists of a bunch of small countries that speak different languages and for the most part hate each other.

  6. two weeks after America elects a candidate you runs on negotiating an END to the war, whoever is currently running the US (we know it ain’t Biden or Harris) approves Ukraine using missiles that require NATO to guide them…

    and no one is talking about the fact that we are on the brink of WWIII. thanks deep state!

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