Mark Zuckerberg trifft Trump in Mar-a-Lago


    1. AdorableBunnies on

      Mark has always been such a scumbag. Meta contributes absolutely nothing of value to the world

    2. omalley89_travel on

      I think this is another sign that if you pass cash under the table or send bitcoins you can get some Trump favortism

    3. DirtyCouchPotato on

      waiting for trump to make zuck zuck and elon duke it out at maralago for the spot of first buddy

    4. knight_set on

      Dear Don, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’
      I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom

    5. Musk’s turn to outright fascist made us forget for a couple of years how much of an opportunist dipshit Zuck is.

    6. dednotsleeping on

      Wait till ole Zuck turns over all user data across his estate to the Trump/Musk secret police

    7. Another ring kissing, cock gobbler. They can both go to H E double hockey sticks

    8. Islanduniverse on

      Maybe stop using his stupid platforms? I haven’t been on Facebook in like a decade, and I’ve never bothered with Instagram. But people are too dense or too selfish to care.

    9. ryuujinusa on

      Absolutely nothing good will come from that. Fuckerberg is the reason trump won the first time around.

    10. Bebopdavidson on

      Someone’s about to be the uncomfortable one in the room for a change

    11. Verbal-Gerbil on

      Musk wasn’t the first one to donate or curry favour. As vile as his behaviour was, at least he was bold and open about his position. He wasn’t even the biggest donor to trump’s campaign.

      It’s snakes like this who play the game for personal gain who often escape criticism. You know he’ll be betraying his supposed principles for the good of the company

    12. namasteriteherr on

      I’m so tired of billionaires. I’m tired grandpa.

    13. 7nightstilldawn on

      What’s the point of these social media companies meeting with presidents other than manipulation and propagation of false narratives? We are so fucking manipulated.

    14. Jurassic_Bun on

      Social media should have been brought to heel a decade go. It should have been regulated tightly. No way should children have ever been allowed on it.

      You wouldn’t let your child hang out and talk with adults unsupervised, so why is it okay on social media?

      You shouldn’t allow news channels to broadcast whatever they like without regulations and licenses bur social media users can.

      Social media should have been brought up to the expectations and standards of television news, instead the opposite happened.

    15. Nyingjepekar on

      Get off Facebook, folks. You’ll never regret it. Zuckerberg deserves to fail.

    16. nothosauridea on

      He doesn’t want to fly all the way to Moscow to meet the boss so he’s just touching base with his local rep.

    17. dogfacedwereman on

      Remember kids, all billionaires are the enemy of wages earners. 

    18. kissarmy5689 on

      When are we, the people, going to boycott these guys’ companies? STOP USING THEIR SHIT!!

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