Über mein PostFinance-Twint kann ich auf diese Seite zugreifen und durch das Abonnieren von Sunrise eine Shopping-Geschenkkarte im Wert von 200 Franken sowie einen lebenslangen Verkauf über alao erhalten. Das kommt mir irgendwie unseriös und wie ein Betrug vor, hat hier jemand Erfahrung mit dieser Alao-Seite?


Von relaxed_q


  1. Haunting-Ad46 on

    just watch the contract detail, what’s the least time you need to be active and after which time changes the monthly cost. otherwise, go for it.

  2. Iuseahandyforreddit on

    i dont think its a scam (also if that is with 5G thats a mighty fine deal right there)

  3. Nerd here; the small squares you‘re seeing is because the assets for the icons couldn‘t be loaded from your webbroser (⌐⊙_⊙)

  4. Bright-Engineer4113 on

    The price is artificially inflated compared to sunrise itself, i have the same subscription (Up Mobile L) and it costs 30.- every month, not 71.90.-

  5. When going the this route you have a minimum contract duration of 24 months i guess. So they will earn at least CHF 718.80.
    When going directly to sunrise you will have no minimum contract duration.
    Also check if the price 29.95 stays forever. With sunrise directly this is the case.

  6. i_am__not_a_robot on

    I would strongly advise against any contract with a 24 months minimum contract duration!

    If you’re happy with the Sunrise network, check out Yallo’s (a Sunrise MVNO) Black Friday deals: [https://www.yallo.ch/en/mobile-products](https://www.yallo.ch/en/mobile-products)

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