General Keith Kellogg, den Trump gerade zum „Sondergesandten für die Ukraine und Russland“ ernannt hat, sagte, das „Endziel“ des Krieges sei die „Vertreibung der Russen aus der Ukraine“, einschließlich des Donbass und der Krim, was zum Sturz Putins führen würde. „Ich glaube nicht, dass es Verhandlungen geben wird“
We shall see! I hope this version of Kellogg is the version we get.
Second time I see this posted, second time from a blatant pro russian source.
That’s it baby.
Please be honest.
We can only hope that Trump listens to him
That’s unexpected good news
I think it’s either gonna be Russia negotiates properly or their country collapses after the ruble disappears.
I think this was at the beginning of the war. Let’s hope he still thinks the same way.
I am unexpectedly cautiously optimistic. Obviously one cannot trust anything Trump and his team say until they act upon it, but this is still something.
Promising. Very promising.
This guy is talking sense. Could have been worse.