Dieser Artikel – Wie der Aufstieg neuer digitaler Arbeitnehmer zu einem unbegrenzten Zeitalter führen wird – plädiert für die Zukunft der Beschäftigung im Hinblick auf Robotik und KI. Mit Mainstream meine ich, dass die zentrale Frage völlig ignoriert wird. Was passiert mit menschlichen Mitarbeitern, wenn die meisten oder alle (sogar in Zukunft noch nicht erfundenen) Arbeiten von KI- und Robotik-Mitarbeitern für ein paar Cent pro Stunde erledigt werden können?

Wie fast immer stellt er die Frage und gibt in klassischer Strawman-Manier vor, sie zu beantworten, indem er eine andere Frage beantwortet. Laut Benioff hat die Automatisierung schon immer mehr Arbeitsplätze geschaffen als beseitigt. Aber das beantwortet nur eine andere Frage und ignoriert die wichtigste.

Herr Benioff, CEO von Salesforce und Inhaber des TIME-Magazins, unterscheidet sich nicht von Mainstream-Ökonomen oder der Elite des Silicon Valley, wenn es darum geht, diese Welt aufzubauen und uns blind dorthin zu führen.

Eines Tages wird die Gesellschaft erkennen müssen, dass wir von diesen Menschen getäuscht werden, und je länger wir ihnen glauben, desto mehr erleben wir nur all die Angst und das Chaos und nicht das Verständnis, das wir brauchen, um eine zu schaffen neue Realität.

Our governing elites are leading us over a cliff – Case in Point: Marc Benioff, owner of TIME magazine.
byu/lughnasadh inFuturology


  1. Nearby-Onion3593 on

    In many economic theories, the cost of labor will go zero.

    In many of our current economic models, we divide by that number.

  2. In their minds every person will be a CEO. In reality every CEO will be the only class of humans society treats as people.

  3. It paints a very rosy picture. The proponents of new ideas – AI just being the latest and shiniest – are the ones who stand to make money from it. They are rarely the inventors. The ‘new ideas’ may or may not be good for individuals but that is not the driver that pumps money into a system and makes it happen. Return on investment (ROI – which translates to ‘king’ in French) is truly king. Individual pain gets trivialized and somehow the victim gets blamed for it. Collective pain is a statistic, an unfortunate consequence. This all gets tarted up as progress.

  4. UBI becomes the only option with amounts tied to robotic and AI productivity. Otherwise a mass of people hungry and out of work will be toppling society very quickly.

  5. brucekeller on

    Tinfoil me thinks of all the rich and powerful people supercharges by Quantitative Easing that want less people. Wish I had one of those NZ billionaire compounds.

  6. Rise-O-Matic on

    If the AI fulfills ALL needs equitably, then UBI, jobs, wages, none of that need to exist.

    If the AI does not fulfill all needs, the new economy will revolve around whatever those gaps are.

    I worry more about economic conquest. A minority ruling group using their influence and power, granted by AI, to hoard and deny access to resources to everyone else, via control of a fearless, loyal machine army that will never question or coup.

    Right now the middle class exists due to the economic leverage skilled professionals hold. What happens when that leverage goes away?

  7. Sounds like trickle-down economy 2.0 with the “unlimited” part once again only applying to the elite.

    His assessment that this is just another technological change like all others before is profoundly ignorant of the fact that so far technological change always came with the need for an agent, while today the new technology is the autonomous agent itself. Perhaps today’s AIs and robots still require human supervision or control, but that won’t be so for much longer.

  8. AttorneyJolly8751 on

    The fact is we don’t have to have robots.The only people to benefit from robots are the manufacturers and owners of robots.I’m sure within 20 years they’ll be using their robots to cull the population, all in the name of saving the planet.I don’t understand how the economy works when there’s mass unemployment.The super rich techno elites will give us a check each month which we will give back to buy goods and services. The Tesla Terminator berserker model ,available March 2030.

  9. OptimusPrimeLord on

    These people seem to not understand the economy, or even who buys stuff at all. Why do you think people can buy stuff? Because they have income. If nobody can afford a iphone because they have no income, the iphone is worthless. If wealth gets concentrated into a smaller and smaller group of people, nobody will buy your products.

    They say “economics isnt zero sum” when importing workers to depress wages, but then run their businesses like it is.

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