2024 Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten, wenn Territorien im Wahlkollegium wählen dürfen (basierend auf Strohumfragen/Delegiertenwahlen)

Von VirusMaster3073


  1. ConstantNo69 on

    Cool map, honestly. But I’m much more interested in the result if PEOPLE were allowed to vote instead

  2. Please consider labeling the territories and somehow showing what is new data vs what was part of the standard electoral college.

  3. what’s more suprising is how a territory has more electoral votes than quite a few states

  4. Too much red for reddit- mods will remove this one too out of triggeredness.

  5. I actual wish there was a constitutional amendment that would allow territorial people to vote for president.

    I actually, think the 23rd Amendment would have been better if it had included the territories along side D.C. as one EV block that would have the same amount of votes as the state with the closest population to the sum of the populatios of those jurisdictions. I mean, D.C.’s EVs are based on the EVs of the least populated state irrelevant of which state that is.

  6. CaptHorizon on

    **Puerto Rican here.**

    PR going blue isn’t actually a common occurrence. Here in PR most of us are very socially conservative (remember that we are an ex-Spanish colony).

    Knowing how my island is, I’d say that if the Republican candidate had not been Trump, we would’ve gone red all the way.

  7. Accomplished-Cup-858 on

    Wow. I totally read that was “Terrorists” instead of “Territories” and I was befuddled as to how someone would (non-satirically) figure this out.

  8. No_Moose_543 on

    Ummm what happened with California Minnesota etc. electoral vote count?

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