Nun, es wurde schlimmer.


  1. -Sick-And-Tired- on

    More importantly, compare how the Rubble is doing again the Yuan and the Rupee.

    Spoiler Alert: it’s not doing well.

  2. KehreAzerith on

    Needs to honestly do a lot worse but let’s hope it does happen

  3. 4fallsofbills on

    Guys guys come on just because the ruble is going down and interest rates keep getting raised, I promise somehow inflation is going down per Russia . You have to believe them. Their economy is doing good 👍🏼 lol.

  4. I also enjoy how Russians and ppl believe that the US dollar will collapse and we’ll be screwed…. When people don’t realize China or Russia’s currency can collapse and THE REST OF THE WORLD wouldn’t be screwed…. But if USA dollar collapsed lol THE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD BE SCREWED.

  5. Educational-Ant-7232 on

    can you 1 ruble notes? I’d like to use them to start my campfires from now on.

  6. Just plunged back down to 113. Probably some large scale stabilization effort.

  7. Fatboystoich on

    My son asked me for a million rubles. I said, “9000 dollars? What the hell do you need 8500 dollars for? Are sure you need 8000 dollars?”

  8. Just now the Russian central bank is probably scrambling what they can, currently at 113.

  9. jpowers_01 on

    I’m popping the popcorn now. Can’t wait to watch this show. I hear it’s a good finale.

  10. I found this old Reuters article:

    > CentroCreditBank economist Yevgeny Suvorov said oil prices at $50 a barrel this year would deduct up to another 2 trillion roubles from Russia’s reserves.
    > “In this scenario, we will approach the exhaustion of reserves at the start of 2025,” Suvorov said. “Simply put, Russia no longer has insurance against low oil prices.”

    If that analyst is pointing to the correct cause here, he was damn spot on.

    Oil prices are deemed as absolutely critical though:

    > “Oil prices at $80 is extremely comfortable for Russia,” she said. “Maybe at $60-$70 it starts feeling the pinch, but we cannot start talking about crisis if Russia is selling oil at $60 or above.”

    Here’s the current crude oil prices:

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