Der maltesische Minister ist innerhalb weniger Tage in den zweiten Unterschlagungsskandal in Folge verwickelt, aber die eigentliche Neuigkeit ist, dass /r/malta sagt: „Na ja, das ist doch nur ein ganz normaler Tag auf den Inseln.“
Von ReadyThor
So now what ? Prison? Firing squad ? How many millions did he actually steal ? How many trips to watch football games paid by tax payers ? How many kickbacks from his buddy the film commissioner ?
Gahan island .. the dumbest race on the planet with zero dignity and even less class to boot.
Look at that stupid face and remember you are even dumber coz you put up with their simian imbeciles.
Drop in the ocean. It’s nothing. What will be interesting is how much money can be laundered through his cute, little cafe.
**Gotta pump those numbers up.** **Those are rookie numbers in this racket.** **I myself, I do scandel at least twice a day.**
cuz its just another day. post again when someone kill him or something.
This is just the stuff that manages to leak and make the news. I can’t even begin to imagine how much shit we don’t know about. Truths that remain hidden are in greater numbers.
As i keep saying… the monthly labour scandal