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Your right as a consumer is to ask someone who works there for the real price.
it’s gonna cost 0,001 euros.
Close to zero.
” it’s not believable someone sold free products”
A store does not have an obligation to complete the transaction in spite of any offered price. Self checkout might let you through, however.
If there would be a margin of “this could be a right price” they would have to sell the product to you with that price. But in this case I would say that everyone knows that the price can’t be zero and you are ecspected to inform the store and ask the price.
Not sure, but how is this even possible? Its not digital price, its physical paper so someone knew what they were doing.. 😀
A finn would think “I have to contact an employee to fix this”, not “how can I benefit from this?”.
You are obliged to understand that such a price is an error, and they don’t have to sell it with so low price.
Law sadly says that consumers must have some reasonability to understand error prices 😀
In Finland common sense is expected from people. If the price presented is an obvious mistake, it’s not binding and one won’t be able to argue they should get it for that price.
I once found a prepared food item with a really low price compared to what it was supposed to be (the price was around 30 to 50 cents for 700 grams of food depending on the portion size). The price was printed to the item by a local manufacturer using a false price/kg.
The shop assistant told me, that they have to sell it to me for that price. I was kind and didn’t empty the whole shelf. He then took the remaining ones away to give some feedback to the company involved.
Don’t know about this completely free stuff though.
Apparently Finnish law expects you to assume this is an error, but if you’re willing to take it to EU courts you might get your free tuna. Well ‘free’, those procedures don’t come cheap.
It’s an obvious pricing error. Your consumer rights in this case are to pay the actual price of the product.
There was the dude that filled up a 1m^3 tank with petrol when he discovered a self service fuel station with the price set to 1 cent per litre (or something ridiculous). The operator of the fuel station said “fair enough, my error”.
But a store is not obligated to honour a pricing error unless it has been marketed. If the shop said “free tuna for all customers”, then tried to charge for it, you might have a case. But here,
You can only buy it if you have 0 money.
You have a right to stay silent.
If you take something for a price it clearly shouldn’t be the shop can charge you for the items at later date Or there at the shop. There are expectations to the rule where the shopkeeper will let you keep it but those are rare.
Your right to stop being so American by exploiting someone else’s honest mistake. 🙄
If you go to the cash register with a cashier and nicely say that it has a 0€ price tag and other customers might think that the price is 0€ and it may cause problems, they will thank you and ask someone to fix it. And if you’re lucky, they will give it to you for free.
None. Just like you deserve, to be honest.
Why are people so dumb and poorly educated on topics like this?
As long as you still scan them at the counter you are good to go.