Wenn Sie genauer hinschauen, können Sie sehen, dass es eine Treppe hinunterfiel, bevor es aus dem Fenster fiel. Tragisch.



  1. DerStuermischeHeinz on

    I wonder what our cunt collection of t72tank, Mr.Morpho and the rest of the bot farm have to squawk about this.

  2. jpowers_01 on

    It’s because they have no reserves left to prop it up. They will be forced to hike up interest rates more, which will lead to more inflation.

  3. piercedmfootonaspike on

    This breaks my heart. We are *sooooo* close to completely ruining their economy, then boom: Trump.

  4. SAFCMODS69 on

    I hope the window was so tall that it free falls for a long long long long long long long long long long long long time! Spakt

  5. fastwriter- on

    I think Naibullina will follow soon. Falling out of a window I mean.

  6. Bull_Bear2024 on

    The trajectory of an Emerging Market economy becoming a Frontier market. No more quality foreign imports for you!

    Not even the North Korean’s accept Rubles, barter economics for the pair of them. When the Saudi’s finally get fed up with Russia cheating on their oil export quota, they can expect falling revenues.. If they wait a few more months, Trump will likely open up the US oil spigots.

    I’m delighted to see this!

  7. President Biden declaring Russia a State Sponsor of Terror right now would be a point blank Coup de Grat.

  8. HerMajestyTheQueef1 on

    As I predicted it magically gained value against the dollar to 105.50 just before close, thanks to what I presume is the artificial pumping behind the scenes of the ruble, but it was at one point 107.50. They must be burning through funds trying to contain this beast, really hopping for it to runaway soon. It is predicted they run out of their reserves these coming months, which presumably has been bandaging their deficits.

    Importers of and exporters to russia must really be feeling the heat with such devaluation and instability of the ruble. Will contracts be cancelled ? I wouldn’t be trusting the ruble or russian debt right now!

    Then what in earth is going on with housing market? Mortgage rates at nearly 30%, I wonder if anyone is still taking mortgage or even lending right now.

    Seems like a real powder kegg waiting to explode.

  9. backtotheland76 on

    I was going to make a witty comment, but you guys are just too good. I’ll see myself out

  10. Well it’s dropping, but since the y axis doesn’t include zero it makes it look much more drastic than it is. Gotta be on the lookout for shady data presentation.

  11. Vano_Kayaba on

    Looks even more promising on 1 year and 5 years plots.
    Because spikes happened, and were stabilized, but here it looks more like a trend

  12. I’m told when it reaches .007 or thereabouts, there is no return.

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