Zu Ihrer Information an amerikanische Auswanderer, die Thanksgiving in Deutschland feiern möchten: Ich habe in meinem örtlichen Mega-Rewe einen ganzen Truthahn zum Braten gefunden. Es taut jetzt auf!


Von courbeaublack


  1. hobbitonhoedown on

    I tried Edeka then Real before finally finding them at Kaufland. Ended up getting two 4400g ones. I need to serve 20+ people on Friday.

  2. SenatorAslak on

    In the future, many butcher shops can source you a fresh (i.e. non-frozen) turkey if you order a week or two ahead of time.

  3. Global_Home4070 on

    Also, if you can’t find stove top stuffing and don’t know how to make it like me…

    2 boxes of Italian croutons, a liter of hot, boiling chicken stock, some butter, a bit of salt ….let it all sit for 7 minutes… Pretty good substitute

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