Ukrainische Doppeldecker-Angriffsdrohnen fliegen über Baschkortostan, 26. November 2024

Von BlackMarine


  1. fossilnews on

    Me before watching: a weird way of saying two planes?

    Me during video: nope, that was indeed a biplane.

  2. BlackMarine on

    Forgot to mention in the title, Bashkortostan is an autonomous region in Russia

  3. Nope. Why would attack drones have lights installed on them?

    This is a Russian AN-2 plane.

  4. I know things are pretty rough but the situation in Ukraine cannot be that bad

  5. LumpusKrampus on

    HAHAHAHA, they’re getting Swordfished!

    Era of stringbags has returned!

  6. CanadianK0zak on

    hahaha, it’s gotta be a russian an-2 just flying. I mean I understand when russians miss the small drones that are harder to see on radar, but this thing? no way could that have “slipped through”, right?……right?….

  7. There’s gonna be a plethora of biplane enthusiasts that are happy to see these puppies once again on the mainstage 100years later

  8. RolliFingers on

    I’m confused, is this a “*biplane attacking drones*” or is it “*attack drones that are biplanes*”?

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