Studie an Mäusen zeigt erstmals, dass der Locus coeruleus, eine Hirnstammregion, an der Organisation des Schlafs beteiligt ist: Er steuert genau, wann der Wechsel vom NREM- zum REM-Schlaf stattfinden kann, und Stress während des Tages stört seine Aktivität, was dazu führt zu „unorganisiertem Schlaf“
>The LC was previously known to be the main regulator of responsiveness to challenging situations while awake, but not during sleep, according to the press release. The study conducted by Lüthi and published in “Nature Neuroscience” now shows that the LC determines when the transition between sleep states is possible. This is a new structural element of sleep and works in a similar way to a clock.
>The neuroscientists identified the LC as the guardian of these transitions. It controls exactly when the switch from NREM to REM sleep can take place, especially in moments when its activity is low. A typical night alternates between NREM and REM states in a coordinated manner, allowing the body and mind to rest and recover.
>In addition, the team discovered that experiences during the day, especially stress, disrupt the activity of the LC during sleep. This leads to a disorganized sleep cycle and frequent awakenings. These discoveries provide important insights for a better understanding of sleep disorders and could lead to improved treatments.
Paper: [Infraslow noradrenergic locus coeruleus activity fluctuations are gatekeepers of the NREM–REM sleep cycle | Nature Neuroscience](
Interesting ! Maybe we can somehow target the LC and trigger sleep in people who have difficulty to?
Why if the study was performed with mice subjects we always get a picture of humans asleep? I’d love to see a stressed mice sleeping picture.