Nicht anerkannter Staat

Von Mister_Time_Traveler

1 Comment

  1. sentinelstands on

    As historical it was as a lackluster Soviet project it was as well.

    Let’s absolutely not forget that it shared a similar fate with Talish-Mughan fringe state albeit in a much grander scheme – meaning being taken down by their own people.

    As much as we want to see the south independent again or part of the proper Republic we must also remember it must always be their own choice as a majority. As it stands right now our Southern kin are much more interested in preserving Iran as they don’t really see them as an occupier state. It really isn’t comparable to our situation of literally being occupied by Russia. They WERE and are founding members and founders in general of modern Iranian statehood. All revolutions, regime changes, new states took their emergence point from Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis.

    Today Iran acts as a suppressive force, but not from the fear that South will separate but purely fear of them fanning the flames of yet another revolution that will end the current regime.

    For better or worse we must support them in every single decision they make and as an independent Republic of Azerbaijan we must remain as their sole biggest protector and guarantee. A place where they can always join if they wish so.

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