Eigentlich eine einfache Rechnung, inspiriert von Alex Grech von der Times, nachdem er angefangen hatte, sich über Malta zu beschweren "der beste"lässt aber alle anderen sozioökonomischen Aspekte wie Kosten und Steuern außer Acht.




3-Bedroom Affordability Index – Malta number 8
byu/Pawl_ inmalta

Von Pawl_


  1. Plenty_Assumption_18 on

    Don’t worry. Property prices are already starting to fall! Igaming companies are leaving Malta in droves which will further reduce property prices.

  2. I think the average rent for a three bedroom in Malta is high. Maybe only Sliema but average?

  3. SinkGeneral4619 on

    The average rent for a 3 bedroom apartment in the UK is nowhere near 5.6k. I doubt that’s even anywhere near the average in Greater London. Maybe Zone 1 or 2.

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