Die Lebensmittelpreise sind in Belgien stärker gestiegen als in den meisten unserer Nachbarländer
Les prix de l’alimentation ont plus augmenté en Belgique que chez la plupart de nos voisins
Von Boomtown_Rat
Die Lebensmittelpreise sind in Belgien stärker gestiegen als in den meisten unserer Nachbarländer
Les prix de l’alimentation ont plus augmenté en Belgique que chez la plupart de nos voisins
Von Boomtown_Rat
>The price increase in Belgium hides a great disparity between products. The highest increase was recorded for olive oil with an increase of 100.6%, followed by potatoes (48.3%) and eggs (42.1%). The lowest was recorded for dried fruits and nuts (7.2%), followed by spirits and liqueurs (7.9%) and beers other than light (10.9%).
>For many essential food products, the price increase in Belgium was higher than in most neighbouring countries. This is the case for bread (+27.3% in Belgium), poultry (+33.5%), cheese (+33.4%), whole milk (+30.9%), olive oil and eggs in particular. Conversely, some products increased less significantly in Belgium: sugar (+35.4%), beef (+19.16%), sauces and condiments (+24%) in particular.
We try to spread our shopping between Belgium and France. The price between some products is incredible sometimes.
past 2 years always been reading how inflation is just “around 12%” but whenever shopping in a supermarket thats definitely not the increase im feeling.
i earn pretty decent, but every visit just shocks me
Dat komt omdat lonen ook meer gestegen zijn dan onze buurlanden, omwille van de automatische indexering.
Nederlands artikel maar zeker ook toepasbaar voor België