Das Leben imitiert die Kunst?

Von 3DThrills


  1. totootmcbumbersnazle on

    Still haven’t seen compelling evidence that he was wrong other than emotionally charged shit

  2. trumpgotpeedon on

    Damn, they’re gonna have to get some new mods on here. This place has taken a nosedive recently.

  3. duke_awapuhi on

    Morning Jones is what addicts do. Considering pretty every Alex Jones fan is a social media addict, this name is absolutely perfect

  4. Digital-Latte on

    I hope Elon doesn’t buy MSNBC. I don’t think it’s a good idea for someone who is working with the president to own a tv network no matter who the president is. I mean Trump might as well own it if Elon buys it. It will basically be a government run Trump propaganda channel.

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