Ändere meine Meinung: Die Krankenversicherungskosten sind künstlich hoch, weil jedes private Unternehmen um Mitglieder konkurrieren muss, indem es beispielsweise lächerliche Summen für diese Art von Marketing ausgibt. Ich gebe lieber jeden Monat weniger aus, als ein Skiticket zum halben Preis oder ein Gratis-Raclette oben auf der Piste zu bekommen.


Von GrazingGeese


  1. What kind of ludicrous sums are we talking about? Seriously,. what do you think this operation is costing for the company?

    Edit: before the dumdum answer: they’ve got 7.6B income, paid 7.2B back, that’s around 5% management fee, paying for the whole infrastructure and all the employees. Fun guy below think marketing is 10% of his bill… The world is a complex place people, document yourself before being outraged

  2. Chevillator on

    Totally they spend quite some amount on marketing bullshit and ads like “we care about your wellbeing”.

  3. Chevillator on

    But not the marketing drives up the cost. It’s a complex situation of various things

  4. Health insurances only keep 4.9% of the premium.. so it can’t be really a “ludicrous sum”

  5. It’s more expensive because it’s for profit corporations. They are all in for the greed. It’s time we get a public insurance alongside the private ones. This would makes all cost drop by a lot.

  6. redsterXVI on

    I’m 100% sure those tickets, discounts and rebates are paid by Crans Montana. It’s essentially a cross-over between a Crans Montana ad that Helsana is distributing and an Helsana ad that Crans Montana is sponsoring.

    This is a classic win-win for both. The cost for both of them should be quite negligible.

  7. mantellaaurantiaca on

    Well done OP, you just explained 0.3% of the expenses. Now do the 99.7%

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