Børek ist das Beste, was Norwegen hat. Es ist so wunderbar. Ich liebe Borek. Wer auch immer Børek erfunden hat, verdient einen… Børek!! Das ist meine absolute Lieblingsbeschäftigung in Norwegen, ich liebe es so sehr. Das beste norwegische Essen aller Zeiten! Vielleicht sollten sie es dann auch mit etwas Lachs zubereiten, um es noch norwegischer zu machen, aber ich liebe es in all seinen Formen. Ich werde es sehr vermissen, wenn ich Norwegen verlasse. So viele schöne Erinnerungen. So lecker. Ich erinnere mich an mein erstes Mal, als ich es hatte. Es muss wie vor zwei Monaten gewesen sein. Und seitdem habe ich nie aufgehört, es zu haben. Ich habe viel zu viel Geld für Børeks ausgegeben, es ist so teuer, aber es ist auf jeden Fall gut angelegtes Geld, das ich überhaupt nicht bereue! Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes Børek in eurem täglichen Leben, denn jeder braucht ein Børek in seinem Leben, vielleicht merkt er es einfach nicht, aber Børek macht alles so viel besser. Lebe, lache, iss Børek!!!! 💓💓💓
Von GlorpFlee
I mean, you do know it’s not Norwegian at all right? It’s everywhere in Greece, Turkey, Middle East? And I’m sure it’s everywhere in the balkans as well of course.
It’s Turkish/Greece though…? But yeah, I’m glad as well that they sell it in Norway
For all börek lovers in Oslo, I want to recommend going to Yasou in Frogner to try Greek bougatsa and Burek factory in trondheimsveien to find more Balkan/turkish börek. Also you can go to one of the migrant stores and buy frozen “su böreği” if you never tried this you are missing a lot.
There’s a børek place in Løkka too that’s pretty damn decent.
I was with you until you called it Norwegian food. What the hell?
Not Norwegian.
If you like this, you will probably like to go further and try original ones. I’m not in Oslo, but I think this one is nice: https://www.facebook.com/p/BurekNo-100068286428058/?locale=nb_NO . This sticks are Ok-ish, but pretty far from the original.
Bro what
Børek is a balkan food. But this seems like Thai food. Spring roll maybe…
EDIT: I saw the last picture and yes this is a kind a børek and all are turkish there.
Børek is great🥰 it’s not norwegian tho:)
I am glad someone recognize that Norwegians are the original inventors of the børek and not the Turks as their propaganda would like you to believe.
It’s not Norwegian at all. You have to go to the Balkans or Turkey to try actual proper burek (that’s how it’s actually spelled).
I miss sausage rolls and meat pies.. but børek is a nice supplement.
Hva faen er en børek? 🤣
Put it in the ass then
Thought this is Balkan? I buy this on a bakery near St Olav after church.
I remember when I was unemployed in 2015 my only food was borek! But that time it was cheap now it’s super expensive
If this was Norwegian I’m sure it would’ve been ruined in some way. Like by frying it in fish oil or filling it with leverpostei.
Appropriating everyone else’s food culture is typically Norwegian, yes.
But can we at least lay claim to Ostepølse med bacon?
Burek is only with meat, everything else is just pie with cheese/spinach/potato etc. But yes, Burek is freaking amazing!
Never seen a Burek “stick”. Is that a Norwegian variant of the typical Balkan dish?
I have yet to try a good börek in Norway. I come from Bosnia so my børek standards are really high in that regard.
Protip: If you’re in Oslo, you haven’t really had proper børek unless you’ve tasted the one at Dana Bakeri underneath Forskningsparken T station. It can’t even be put into words, it’s so amazing.
You can make your own with seasoned mashed potatoes and spring roll wrappers or puff pastry. I made some with garlic mashed potatoes/spinach inside of spring roll wrappers after trying them [børek dupe](https://imgur.com/a/LFLX1M6)
If it was not obvious, this is a troll post. How many times did they repeat the word “Norwegian” in this post. Downvote if you care.
Remember, guys, it’s Børek, not Börek
Its Bosnian i think? nothing much to do with Norway