Paris erlaubt der Ukraine, Russland mit französischen Raketen anzugreifen


  1. CompetitiveReview416 on

    France with Poland have to take leadership and start forming an european army.

  2. Equivalent-Speed-130 on

    Hello?:Olaf? Macron here, can we get a few Taurus for Ukraine?

  3. Those asking about Scholz & Taurus: Olaf is a pacifist, he was doing peace and love protests in the 80’s. Yep, and i will certainly not judge him. So even if we buy back taurus for ukraine, paint them with a french flag + “taste this baguette”… Olaf will be super relunctant. I think he would use them only in last ressort.

  4. Puzzleheaded_Path809 on

    Is this more stormshadows or equivalent basically?

    Or something else?

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