Die Parteien werden aufgefordert, die Entkriminalisierung von Drogen zu unterstützen


Von gig1922


  1. Bill_Badbody on

    Would probably lose more votes than it would gain for the big 3.

    So makes no sense for them.

    Edit: downvote away, doesn’t change the fact that full decriminalisation, which is seen by many as legalisation, is not a popular policy.

  2. OfficerPeanut on

    Probably a big turn off for older generations to be fair – I think our parents etc generation view all drugs on the same level

  3. Jacksonriverboy on

    No point. Stoners aren’t too motivated to get to the polls.

  4. I got a canvasser for FF to the door yesterday and I was explaining how I was unhappy with their stance on decriminalisation as it does not even fit in with the recommendations by CA, justice committee, or the inter party working group. He said he was getting that a lot.

    There are parties who have decent drug policies, vote for them.

    And don’t let Reddit make you believe it shouldn’t be an issue when you are voting.

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