Wo ich gelebt habe und wo ich gewesen bin.

    Von m1kemahoney


    1. Filthiest_Tleilaxu on

      It’s nice to see one of these take into account road trips. Which place on the map is your favorite?

    2. Love this. What was your favorite place to live? What about favorite to visit? Where did it all begin?

    3. So_spoke_the_wizard on

      Interesting collection of locations where you’ve lived.

    4. How does one create a map like this? And do you mind giving me a time frame for lived and been? For example, I only count living in a place if I spend 6+ months there and only count being there if I’ve spent the night. So that’s my system, I guess I’m asking what yours was.

    5. Chicago-Emanuel on

      This is cool, makes me want to make my own. What tool did you use?

    6. OP, what did you use to build this map? I’ll contribute where I’ve visited and lived.

    7. JediKnightaa on

      Did you use your Google maps data to collect this or was it memory?

    8. When you’re next in Wisconsin, you should really visit Door County. But what were you doing in Merrill and/or Medford?

    9. SeagullFanClub on

      How does one live in New York, visit Massachusetts and Vermont, yet miss Connecticut and Rhode Island?

    10. KnownAsAnother on

      Depending on what order you lived in those places, you either enjoy the hot weather or enjoy snow.

    11. Your southeast game is weak. I recommend taking a week off for a road trip and book 1 night hotels in Charlotte, Charleston, Atlanta, Nasheville, pass through Knoxville and Asheville.

      Then again the the future, Raleigh, Wilmington, Virginia Beach, Richmond

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