Würden Sie dafür bezahlen, schneller einen Hausarzt aufzusuchen? Die Quebecer sind es, und Kritiker sind besorgt



  1. mach1mustang2021 on

    The real story is here – “More than 780 doctors left the public system there last year, compared with 14 in the rest of Canada combined. The exodus of doctors for the private sector in Quebec has increased 70 per cent in just four years, according to data from its Health Ministry. ”

  2. -Yazilliclick- on

    That’s exactly the plan as far as tearing down our public system. People who can will pay when that’s the only reasonable option they’re given. Hell I just did it because my only other option was waiting an indefinite time for an appointment where the only answers to how long it might take were “if you’re lucky a year” and “we have no idea, but no time soon”

  3. Due_Agent_4574 on

    You can pay $2,500 to go to a cancer screening private clinic in Mississauga any day of the week and get your body proactively checked for cancers as preventative care … or you can get a proactive screening never through the public system. What option are you going with?

  4. Yes. I pay $250 for a same day consult at my private clinic. I don’t have a family doctor. The equation is: 12-16h at the ER or $250 to see a doctor without waiting.

    My kids on the other hand have access to same day emergency care at their doctors office with a schedule and we stick to public for their needs.

  5. waxingtheworld on

    I remember a client who was a bilingual gp with specialization in birth/labor. They were going to move to Montreal – she said there is a hospital that wants her. There was ONE day of the year to apply for GP positions.

    This is a place that still has English and French hospitals

  6. Anotherspelunker on

    This is gonna be the unfortunate outcome if the current situation persists

  7. BeerBaronsNewHat on

    just a reminder that people in jail have the top priority to healthcare services.

  8. illusivebran on

    They are purposely sabotaging our free healthcare to push private healthcare. Please stop electing those poopy government that is doing this !

  9. vocabulazy on

    Where I live, I’m lucky to have a family doctor, but she seems to be pulling back from the profession. She only works 1 days a week. It’s hard to see her on short notice. BUT I can almost always see the nurse practitioner within 36 hours of a call. And very often it’s that same day.

    I know almost no one in my circle who can see a medical professional on such short notice.

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