Licht in einer Flasche: Forscher der U of T nutzen KI, um sich bewegende Photonen einzufangen

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    1. verificationsurvey on

      UofT researchers wrote a paper on visualizing light in motion. This is similar to the 2011 MIT work on visualizing light propagation, but here, with AI, you can see the effect from any direction, sort of like game rendering engines.

      As the article mentions, this can be understood similarly to the matrix bullet time videos, where we can freeze time and see the light propagate itself.

      The previous technology (from MIT) was used for things like non line of sight, maybe this line of work where you can see the effect from any direction “flying with the light”, these abilities could be extended further?

      Here is the video from the article of flying alongside the light propagating through a [Coke bottle](

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