Die USA stehen kurz vor der Entscheidung, JASSM-Raketen an die Ukraine zu transferieren – Reuters



  1. Physical-Cut-2334 on

    The announcement of their deliveries is expected to take place by the end of autumn. At present, the decision has not yet been made, but it is very close to being made. It is not yet known which version they plan to transfer – with a range of 360 or more than 900 km.

  2. Living-Sundae7527 on

    This was written on September 3rd. The fact nothing else has happened is probably an indication that this is not happening….

  3. Good thing they anounced first, now the russians have time to realocate and prepare

  4. OneAvocadoAnd6beers on

    Game changer, but it should have been done 2 years ago… with ponces like Sullivan the USA has lost its authority 🥃

  5. PoliticalCanvas on


    **No. built: 7,500**

    Once I read that in 2022 year for destruction of Crimea Bridge, which would have changed everything, Ukraine need only ~50 of them and some quantities Sukhoi Su-24.

    50, Carl!, 50!

    3 year of postponements for the sake of WHAT?

    If USA was so much scared of Russian nukes, why now?

    If USA is not scared of Russian nukes, why USA gave Russia 3 years for adaptation for such possibility?

    To show that USA gave everything it could, at the same guarantee that all what USA gave would not be too much dangerous for strengthening by hundreds of billions of Western/Eastern dollars Russia?

  6. VisualIndependence60 on

    That base in the outskirts of Moscow is looking tempting

  7. sequoiachieftain on

    Anyone who couldn’t have made this decision instantly deserves to die on the front lines in place of a young Ukrainian person. Fucking scum.

  8. I love how they marked a base in Kaliningrad.

    The most random fuck you from Ukraine would happen 😂

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