Trump-Verbündeter warnt Starmer, dass die USA die britische Wirtschaft „zerschlagen“ werden, wenn sie dabei helfen, Netanyahu zu verhaften

Von 1DarkStarryNight


  1. donald_cheese on

    Thanks Lindsay, but we’re more than capable of crushing our own economy.

  2. sebzim4500 on

    Surely it’s irrelevant anyway? Even the suggestion that we might possibly arrest Netanyahu will prevent him from visiting, so our commitments are never going to be tested.

  3. Thank you for confirming that the ‘special relationship’ needs a divorce.

  4. dalehitchy on

    Ladies and gentlemen…. The special US relationship the right go on about. Much better than the relationship of equals we had with the EU.

  5. ConnectPreference166 on

    I need to know what dirt Israel has on the UK and USA. All over the world and a majority of the piluc are saying what’s happening with Israel and Palestine is wrong but the UK and USA politicians are still trying to defend it. Granted Starmer is agreeing with the arrest now but he wasn’t doing that a few weeks ago.

  6. Yankee bullies strike again.

    World needs to turn its back on them. Time they ate some humble pie.

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