1. Admirable_Nothing on

    Clearly she and Trump and the majority of the Republican Party are Putin/Russia supporters. Reagan is rolling over in his grave.

  2. TheGR8Dantini on

    She is a cult member. Her cult leader guru Chris tells her what to do. Her cult is kinda horrible too. She was born into it. Her parents belonged. She belongs. Her sister belongs. Every move she’s made from her military choices to her running as a democrat in Hawaii has been planned since she was little. Guess we’ll have to wait for this stuff to be reported on, again, and then go away.

    Nothing matters after the 20th of January. That’s when fascism really starts. Sweeps week, as it were. That’s when all the rules go out the window and Trump and his backers are really gonna take over.

    It’s gonna be like chasing a pig on acid.

  3. imarealgoodboy on

    Is she a handler?  Also, is Elon Musk a handler?

    I feel like so many people are fucking handlers, I’m losing track

  4. Coolenough-to on

    So, they put her on a terror watchlist improperly, and now want to say that her having been put on the watchlist is reason to deny her nomination? Did somone inhale industrial chemicals before writing this?

  5. Impossible-Poem1194 on

    Our government representatives are a reflection of the people of our country. Think about the fact that almost all the people taking over the United States of America have some baggage. Enjoying this Christmas like it’s the last one.

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