Ich habe mich gefragt, ob ich Currywurst von Netto kaufen und essen könnte, ohne sie aufwärmen zu müssen.


Von Expert-Apple-505


  1. SnooPaintings5100 on


    “Cooking/Eating instructions” should be printed somewhere

    Usually you heat it in the microwave.

    Enjoy 🙂

  2. It’s not raw, it’s already cooked. So yes, you can go ahead and eat it cold.

    But why?

  3. maryfamilyresearch on

    Yes, this is safe to eat cold. But not very tasty. You really should heat it up as intended or get a hot currywurst from a stall.

  4. The Currywurst is pre cooked and just need to Heat up to get more tasty , if even possible to get more delicious.

    Eating raw is fine but probably more disgusting.

    Raw sausages is usually edible raw but not all of them.

  5. Srybutimtoolazy on

    yes you can but its gonna be disgusting.

    Note that you dont need to use a mirowave, you can use hot water in a pot and you can even put them in a pan.

  6. They’re precooked, ready to eat.
    They taste cold the same as hot, I had them as hiking food.
    Curry powder hides under the sticker at the bottom. If You heat it, stitch some holes in the lid before. Will explode otherwise.

  7. Prof_Awesome_GER on

    Ya you can it’s gonna taste like ass tho. If you heat it up it at least taste like ass but hot.

  8. Agitated-Age-3658 on

    Off-topic but why are so often periods instead of commas used for price labels. It’s here in the Netherlands too. English influence?

  9. Yes you may, but naturalization is difficult after that, because noooo, it’s not Currywurst

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