Veröffentlicht am 23.11.2024. Dieses Video dient ausschließlich Bildungs- und Informationszwecken. Es soll weder Gewalt verherrlichen noch dazu ermutigen. Es dokumentiert lediglich die brutale Realität des Krieges. Dem Zuschauer wird Diskretion empfohlen! Denken Sie an Regel 1!


  1. Igor? Are you ok? Igor do you hear me? Igor? Are you with me Igor? Everything is gonna be ok, i call the meducs, it’s ok

  2. F1_V10sounds on

    I’m amazed they care enough to look for him. That found him where he belongs, at least, gone from this earth.

  3. bugdiver050 on

    Fuck… how many more people laying around just like these. I know they are russians and that Ukraine needs to evict the occupiers no matter how. But man, some of this stuff is still surreal to watch. I can’t imagine going to look for a friend, or comrade and all you find is rusting metal and piles of bones. Lack of sympathy for these guys, but i feel empathy for the human suffering. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  4. Perfect_House2143 on

    We don’t care about your comrade’s passing, if you miss him just join him in the afterhell

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