Mein Vermieter, über den ich in einem früheren Beitrag geschrieben habe, ist wieder einmal ein Ärgernis. Die Heizung in meinem Zimmer funktioniert nicht regelmäßig und es ist jetzt sehr kalt. Muss ich wirklich für die Reparatur der Heizung bezahlen? Meine Mitbewohner sagten auch, sie hätten einige Probleme und er habe nicht geholfen. Ich meine, muss er sich um nichts im Haus kümmern?
Von Dizzy-Traffic
mietminderung and then she will resolve it quickly for free
No you dont.
Lol, with a landlord like this you definitely need to be member of a Mieterschutzbund.
No, you don’t even have to pay rent anymore until it‘s fixed.
Go to Mieterverein and ask them what to do exactly.
Landlord is trying to fuck you over. Its his/her responsibility to pay for fixing the heater. Broken heater in the wintertime constitutes an emergency btw, you should talk to the Mieterschutzbund about this they have good lawyers for members. If you are not a member yet, see that you become one asap.
And here I thought there was someone trying to get Anna into bed….
Some people are so fucking brazen. Maybe you could also pay for a new roof, while you’re at it?
Sorry to hear that.
But before you take any action (e.g. Mietminderung) check if there is air in the heater. If yes, remove it yourself. This is easy and should fix most of the issues. For example see this video: [](
If there isn’t any air in the heater contact the Mieterschutzbund. Maybe together with your roommate(s). No heating in winter is an emergency.
Are you sure this is a landlord situation? This reads more like she’s the main tenant, subletting the room or apartment to you.
Go to Mieterschutzbund or a lawyer. ASAP. It will get colder until end of January.
The heating is part of the building / your flat, it is part of the rent and your landlord has to guarantee the correct functionality.
“Wenn du mir die Wohnung schenkst, zahle ich auch die Instandhaltung. Wenn nicht, gehe ich davon aus, dass du die Wohnung in einen bewohnbaren Zustand bringst. Gesetzlich ist eine Mindesttemperatur von 20-22 Grad vorgeschrieben. Falls die Mängel in diesem Bereich nicht behoben werden, sehe ich mich gezwungen zum Mieterschutzbund zu gehen und die Miete zu mindern. Sag Bescheid, falls Handwerker in die Wohnung müssen. Ich wünsche einen schönen Tag.”
Your landlord “hat den Knall nicht gehört”, as we say in German.
Of course, it’s his duty, and he has to pay for that. There are things you have to pay yourself, heating is not among it.
Mieterschutzbund/Mieterverein. Can’t say this often enough.
Any foreign student should do this, the behavior of too many landlords towards foreign students are disgusting.
Bezahlen müssen Mieter die Reparatur nur dann, wenn die Gegenstände durch den alltäglichen Gebrauch verschleißen. Heizung oder Rohre etwa zählen nicht dazu. Auch bei Reparaturen an Dingen, die im Haus von mehreren Parteien benutzt werden, wie zum Beispiel das Schloss an der Haustür oder das Licht im Keller, müssen die Mieter nicht für die Kosten aufkommen.
Tenants only have to pay for repairs if items wear out through everyday use. This does not include heating or pipes, for example. Tenants also do not have to pay for repairs to items that are used by several parties in the house, such as the lock on the front door or the light in the cellar.
Depends on your Mietvertrag.
Kleinreparaturen are normally payed by the tenant.
“funktioniert sehr selten” and “ist zu kalt” are quite subjective descriptions.
How does not working look like? How cold is “too cold”? Are you using it correctly (adjust the thermostat). Is it maybe just a small maintenance issue that could be resolved without making lawyers rich?
If it’s indeed defective and can’t keep the required temperature it’s the landlords job to get it fixed, while you could reduce the rent until this is done. But for this you need hard facts, actual protocol of the temperatures etc to make your case.
Tell him “Bitte lass die Heizung reparieren” – He will think you agree to his terms.
Just let him call someone to repair. You wont have to pay anything, the invoice will go to your landlord, since it’s his order. If the repaiman sends the invoice to you just decline since your are in no contractoral agreement with him.
Just dont sign anything.
Is Anna a man?
After the grammar and wording mistakes it’s clear as a day which type of person OP’s Landlord ist. Lmao you need to get out of this mess ASAP. Just threaten to reduce the rent if the problem isn’t fixed within 2 weeks