Abfangen einer russischen Marschflugrakete durch ein ukrainisches Luftabwehrsystem [unknown location, November 2024]



  1. Hannibal_Game on

    The “direct hit”-interception most likely makes this an IRIS-T system, as other air defence missiles typically use a proximity detonating warhead.

  2. Own_Box_5225 on

    It boggles my mind the sophistication that needs to go into these interceptors. The ability to take the data from all on board sensors, calculate the exact millisecond to detonate so that the shrapnel from the explosive will take out the desired target, all while travelling anywhere above Mach 3 (and God knows what g-forces), towards a target which is also travelling at who knows how fast. I sometimes catch myself marvelling at it all before I realize if people could just stop being cunts we could direct this amazing engineering at something far better for society.

  3. Skankhunt42FortyTwo on

    Why does the russian population not realize, that all this is SO much money going to waste instead of being spent improving life in russia itself?

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