„Autopsie“ der erbeuteten russischen Drohnenabwehrkanone widerlegt Behauptungen über „Stand der Technik“. Die Analyse des russischen Drohnenabwehrgewehrs PARS-S „Stepashka“, das als hochmoderner Schutz gegen FPV-Drohnen beworben wird, spricht nach seiner Zerlegung eine andere Sprache.
Every time NATO gets its hands on Russia’s latest and greatest tech its just a disappointment. Every. Single. Time. From the T90s to the C2 vehicles to the ELINT. All we learn is just how far behind they are.
I wonder how the Russians feel reading this kind of news. I’m sure most people don’t see this kind of information in Russia, but the trolls here have to convince themselves news like this is fake, I guess?
Or maybe they know and don’t care. They, too, are part of the illusion. The reality is that the majority of Russia hasn’t progressed beyond the early 1980s.
Sick super soaker bro