RTÉ News auf Instagram: „Fine-Gael-Führer Simon Harris wurde heute Abend während einer Wahlwerbung von einer Frau angesprochen, die sagt, sie sei eine Betreuerin, und die sagte, sie glaube, die Regierung habe „nichts für uns getan“.
Von Important-Sea-7596
He’s shite at dealing with members of the public, challenging them like they are the opposition is completely tone deaf.
Lol he basically accuses her of lying and tries to gaslight her into believing that his government has done anything meaningful for carers. When that doesn’t miraculously work, he turns his back on her and walks away, only to do a weird turnback towards her for half a second before leaving.
How anyone can think this man has even a shred of empathy is beyond me. For anyone familiar with Australian politics, this is approaching [Scott Morrison](https://youtu.be/kePvZkV-Zcs?t=11) levels of forcing handshakes then walking away from the people negatively affected by their policies.
Bet he felt mentally stabbed (x4) after that
Unbelievably cold and patronising to a woman who is clearly struggling. Good on her. He has no empathy whatsoever, or even the cop on to pretend to care in front of the cameras.
Tik Tok Taoiseach. When he got in, I thought at least he’s not Leo but actually his personal skills are even worse. That was car crash stuff.
He treats people who challenge or disagree with him as an inconvenience like all of FG
Awful look for him, came out of that looking terrible
What an absolute cunt.
My sisters goes to a care centre every day and is wheelchair bound and has no speech. It’s her only social activity other than being at home. She doesn’t have friends. They cut her transport first. Then cut her 4 days to 1 day because of “funding”. Bare in mind my parents are in their mid 60’s and everyday it gets harder for them to cope every day.
Every budget I hope for more for my parents but there is nothing. I have friends with autistic kids and they have to fight tooth and nail to get anything.
The only thing that government gave us was to gaslight us into voting for the family and careers referendum to relieve themselves of any responsibility because they keep getting sued for the lack of services.
No care for the most vulnerable people in our society.
Fuck all of you.
Carers is still lower than the PUP that was deemed the minimum people need in Ireland to live in 20 and 21 and that’s before the Cost of Living increases since 2022. Another huge issue is pensions, Carers should get an accredited pension contribution for when they can’t get paid work due to their caring responsibilities
It’s actually shocking how bad he is at these public interactions. Politics 101 mate.
Has he ever interacted with a human? Jesus.
Christ he’s dreadful. Just on a personal level. I quite liked him till I saw him on the debate last week (I’m not from Ireland, but do my best to keep abreast of politics!). I don’t care for political double-speak, but surely the standard fob-off politician answer would be, “I’m sorry to hear how difficult things have been, we’ve got great plans for the disability and caring sectors if we’re re-elected.” How dreadful and wooden to repeatedly tell her – as he did Katie Hannon – “That’s not true”. It only would have been worse if he’d added, “But go on anyway”.
This is a bad bad video. RTE releasing it too is telling. This will run for a few days get. FG is goosed.
[This is not a good look…](https://i.imgur.com/z2JJQeH.png)
Show hatred toward carers and the general public. Great move, Simon. That will win you a few votes.
She was mentally stabbed by Harris’s response to her mentally stabbed !! …mentally !!! STABBED
[“do you know what it’s like to clean up your own mother’s piss?”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb7DwkB7KFo&pp=ygUddGhlIHRoaWNrIG9mIGl0IGZhY3RvcnkgdmlzaXQ%3D)
finally, someone said it to their faces