Nachdem sie beobachtet haben, wie sich die zentralasiatischen Länder in der Ukraine von Russland „abwenden“, um Waffen zu kaufen: US-Beamte


  1. Available_Wish5169 on

    How can Russia be selling arms when they’re in dire need of them

  2. After sales service no longer guaranteed

    It’s even more than just old russian shits (which some of them were overrated), it’s also a whole reshape of the global needs. Typically drones & anti-drones solutions, longer range and more precise artillery, etc.

  3. angelorsinner on

    No weapon sales for India. Let them fight with sticks against China for buying russian oil

  4. Just think how much more the American economy will benefit from weapons exports if Ukraine wins with American help.

    And how much America would lose by dumping Ukraine, causing them to lose when Russia’s economy is also on the precipice.

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