1. Um yeah no, if I smoke my memory turns shitty for like a week.  I don’t buy these blanket statements. 

  2. ScoobyDone on

    As a true man of science I special attention to anything proving that my vices are good for me.

  3. Appropriate_Sale_626 on

    fuck naw, I can’t remember shit outside of needing to take another bowl. Couldn’t tell you how many I had in a day

  4. Paragraph1 on

    This study was done in rats, not humans. it found that working memory was enhanced in old male rats, impaired in old female rats, and had no effect for young rats. Science journalism is truly sensationalist!

  5. Iowegian21 on

    This test was done on rats lol. We could know so much more about marijuana if it was federally legalized. They probably had to use rats instead of humans specifically for legality reasons, but we could have learned so much more.

  6. localslovak on

    I’m no expert but I feel like The Marijuana Herald may be a bit biased

  7. Traditional-Big-3907 on

    The memory jokes aside for smoking/using. I talk to plenty of people that either drink or are sober. And they can’t remember shit either. 😂

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