Die USA führen erstmals Giraffen gemäß dem Endangered Species Act ein



  1. Giraffes will be listed under the US Endangered Species Act, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed in a move that will cover five subspecies of the animal. The agency hopes the listing will crack down on the poaching of giraffes, as the US is a leading destination of rugs, pillowcases, boots, furniture and even Bible covers made from giraffe body parts.

    “Federal protections for giraffes will help protect a vulnerable species, foster biodiversity, support ecosystem health, combat wildlife trafficking and promote sustainable economic practices,” said Martha Williams, director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. “This action supports giraffe conservation while ensuring the United States does not contribute further to their decline.”

  2. AlwaysUpvotesScience on

    Well it’s sad that giraffes have reached the point where they’re listed as endangered, it’s a good thing to do so as it will require the transportation of giraffe parts to be licensed. This means that poachers can’t just ship pelts back to the United States as they would be confiscated by customs.

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