Why are there almost no Roman coins in the literal center of the eastern Roman Empire?
tengma8 on
I am sure roman coins had been find in Asia.
I visited a history museum in Xi’an China and it had roman coins buried during Tang dynasty
and I remember some documentaries saying roman coins had been discovered in Japan.
someonethat_LOVE21 on
I remember watching a YT video by Nova Lectio talking about Roman coins found in Kenya and India.
Playful-Comedian4001 on
This map doesn’t include India. A shitload of Roman coins have been found in southern India.
Traditional-Storm-62 on
that seems like a severe underestimation
I know they have been found all the way in India and there’s no way Thrace would have none
Neat-Jellyfish7247 on
You had romans coins found in Abalessa, southern Algeria.
dovetc on
Why does this keep getting reposted? It’s obviously incorrect. No Roman coins have ever been found in Apulia, Pontus, or Thrace? Gotland is absolutely silly with Roman coins, but not Corsica?
TehTimmah1981 on
Not seen here. Japan (yes really, no not from the Romans)
Ghrota on
Smart people goes to great britain to find more, but genius like me goes to Norway because nobody found the coins hidden there !
sirbruce on
What’s up with the lack of Roman coins in the former Kingdom of Naples? Were they all dug up and melted down in medieval times? Or are there few excavations there so they just haven’t been discovered yet?
Why are there almost no Roman coins in the literal center of the eastern Roman Empire?
I am sure roman coins had been find in Asia.
I visited a history museum in Xi’an China and it had roman coins buried during Tang dynasty
and I remember some documentaries saying roman coins had been discovered in Japan.
I remember watching a YT video by Nova Lectio talking about Roman coins found in Kenya and India.
This map doesn’t include India. A shitload of Roman coins have been found in southern India.
that seems like a severe underestimation
I know they have been found all the way in India and there’s no way Thrace would have none
You had romans coins found in Abalessa, southern Algeria.
Why does this keep getting reposted? It’s obviously incorrect. No Roman coins have ever been found in Apulia, Pontus, or Thrace? Gotland is absolutely silly with Roman coins, but not Corsica?
Not seen here. Japan (yes really, no not from the Romans)
Smart people goes to great britain to find more, but genius like me goes to Norway because nobody found the coins hidden there !
What’s up with the lack of Roman coins in the former Kingdom of Naples? Were they all dug up and melted down in medieval times? Or are there few excavations there so they just haven’t been discovered yet?