Ein Aseri aus Täbris, der häufig zur Arbeit nach Armenien reist, wurde geschlagen, weil er Aseri war. Er sagt, es sei schon oft passiert und die Polizei habe nichts unternommen. Es ist, als hätten die vom Schlachtfeld geflohenen Armenier plötzlich entschieden, dass sie mutig seien.
Quelle 1




  1. Consistent-Shake-877 on

    Hansı cəsarətdən danışırsan. Çaqqal kimi bir nəfərin üstünə beş nəfər düşüb. Öz məhlələrində belə cəsarətləri yoxdu. Biqeyrətlər.

  2. Question is how did they know? Did he speak Azerbaijani on the phone or something

  3. deadly_raccoon on

    Even ignoring the radical ethnic hatred of theirs towards anything related to “turk”, they assaulted an Iranian citizen. If Iran doesn’t take action and make sure these criminals are held accountable, we can be sure they value Armenia as an ally more than their own citizens.

  4. Thick-Consequence-26 on

    To be fair they would have done the same if there was an armenian in here, this conflict itself is depressing, hopefully we can live in peace soon enough

  5. The myth propagated by the Armenian far away diaspora about “There are Azerbaijani tourists in Armenia, we are the oldest peaceful people…” has come to an end.
    I hope the radicalism in Armenian society will end one day,hopefully soon.

  6. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH… YAXSHI OLUB.. Sen neter Azerbaycan Turksen ermenistana gedib ermeniynen biznes qurursan? Ecceb olub

  7. Minute_Flounder_4709 on

    How do you know it was completely unprovoked? There’s no audio from security cameras

  8. Apprehensive-Sun4635 on

    Ah yes, the sources coming from free non-biased Azerbaijani media that 100% tell the truth and wouldn’t misrepresent the video…

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